Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lara zdraví Prahu...:)))

Nedávno nám poslala portugalská stážistka Lara velice pozitivní hodnocení svého pobytu v Praze a v naší galerii, které nás moc těší!!! Protože se to týká i ateliéru GHMP, tak jsem sem překopírovala nejzajímavější část dopisu:

"First of all, i wanna thank you for the chance to be with you and kids in the atelier!! was one of the best thing i had in Prague, i really appreciate the kids, their spontaneity beauty sweetness and happyness!! And also your kind way of taking care of them and their activities! i learnd a lot with you and with them and i hope one day i can have such place to work and share and learn about art!!"